Thursday 8 December 2011

Group Meeting 8

(Blogger post created and uploaded by: OLIVER DOLTON)

Today the group met to piece together the final project. We used Adobe Premier pro to import all of our work files that we had rendered into F4V. Once these files had been imported we placed them on the timeline and selected a sound piece that we decided would be suitable for the final video.
The video was then rendered into a final project video as an F4V video format file ready for showing to be marked on 9th December 2011

Group Meeting 7

(Blogger post created and uploaded by: OLIVER DOLTON)

Today the group met to arrange how the rendering process was going to be completed. We came to the conclusion that each all of us would render our own work individually into a F4V format so that the these files could then be imported in premier pro later on and the final video can be linked together. The sound that we will use for the entire duration of the video is still yet to be confirmed.

·         Elliot will be rendering the lower section of the building

·         Jo will be rendering the outside of the building

·         Oliver will be rendering the upper floor and right side of the lower building (right of pathway).

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Group Meeting 6

23rd Of November:
Group Meetings were recorded on paper and are now updated online. 

The group has now pretty much done with the modelling, so today's meeting was going over our animation plan and decide whether or not it needs changing. After the discussion, we've all agreed that we will be changing the storyboard because we felt that our plan is very poor but because of our lack of knowledge when it comes to animation, we've decided to create the animation based on our own personal knowledge but with the same goal, of which is to show the changes done to the Guildhall. 

Elliot and I decided that we will be working together to make the animation for his section because we felt that there wont be enough animation for the outer change.

Oliver is a head of making the animations therefore he discussed with us what format would be best to render and such. 

Group Meeting 5

11th of November
Group Meetings were recorded on paper and are now updated online. 

Today's meeting was discussion of  the work that we have done so far, the storyboard and any concerns about the project. 
Elliot has created a basic storyboard based on what we have agreed last week and this will be uploaded later on as we are still waiting for Oliver to scan it. 
So far we are all quite happy getting on with our work and creating models. 

Storyboard to be uploaded...

Modelling Updates:
Elliot - has now completed the doors and windows and currently working on fitting them in. 
Joannah - has now completed the beams and windows and currently working on making the stairs and the archway. 

Oliver - has now completed the kitchen

Group Meeting 4

28th Of October:
Group Meetings were recorded on paper and are now updated online. 

So far the group have agreed on the project that we are going to do, which is an animation of Finchingfield Guildhall changing from its current state to after its been renovated.

Elliot Dolton tried to draw the before and after 2D plans of the Guildhall but failed to do so as he couldn't find anything that he could use as a guide to create this. Although we were given the plans for the renovation which helped us divide the work equally.

From our previous meeting we've agreed that Elliot and I would divide the ground floor section (as we've all agreed that it has got more work compare to upper section of the house) and Oliver would be in charge of the upper section.

Since the last meeting, Elliot and I discussed that it would be better if he takes over the whole ground floor and I will be in charge of the outside building (before and after). And so we've finalised that Elliot will be in charge of the ground floor before and after modelling and animation, I will be in charge of the outer building before and after modelling and animation and Oliver will be in charge of the upper section before and after modelling and its animation.

Discussion of Animation ;
Part of today's meeting was the discussion of how are we going to animate the project. We've came up with few great ideas but due to not knowing whether they were achievable or not, we've decided to stick to animations that we know for now.
Elliot has volunteered to create the storyboard for the animation and should be done by next week.

Modelling Updates:
Elliot - Finished the walls (after the renovation), and currently working on the doors and windows. Mapping is yet to be done.
Joannah - Finished the foundation and ground floor walls (before renovation) and currently working on the beams and windows.
Oliver - Finished the walls, stairs and the bathroom (after the renovation).

Group Moodboard And Storyboard

(Post created and uploaded by: OLIVER DOLTON)

This moodboard was desgined to give us ideas of different techniques that we could possibly use within 3DS.

Also the moodbaord contains models that other users have created that we could possibly use for referencing and using certain modeling techniques. There are numerous models and techniques that can be used to create the neccessary effects that we desire, but here are some examples:

Group Moodboard:

Upper Level Storyboard

(Storyboard images are my illustration purpose only)

Old Building Basic Storyboard

In his section of the storyboard it details the beginning of where the first scene will begin. The first scene will begin up the stairs of the old building and then continue into the living areas, flowing through to the bathrooms and finally the main hall. These images represent to me what I need to include in animation and what I need to model.  Animation techniques to be used will be decided further into the modelling stages.

New Building Basic Storyboard

In this section of the storyboard is represents only what examples of the objects contained within. The stairs, kitchen and bathrooms are for illustration purposes only and only give me guidance on what I should be aiming to model for the new building. The new building will begin once again on the stairway, flowing through the newly renovated bathrooms, kitchens and finally through the newly developed hall, though not included in this section of the storyboard.  Animation techniques to be used will be decided further into the modelling stages.

Monday 14 November 2011

Project Construction Process

(Blogger post created and uploaded by: OLIVER DOLTON)

The project construction process will be developed in 3 stages by 3 different members of the group has follows.
Jo Muhusay
Jo will be constructing and developing the outside of the Guildhall. She will be solely responsible for the modelling and animation process of the entire exterior of the building. Jo will also be responsible for the creation of the storyboard.
Elliot Dolton
Elliot will be constructing the lower section of the building. He will be solely responsible for the modelling and animation of the entire lower section. This will include building structure, interior constructions and furniture. Elliot will develop all of the animation that will be required as shown in the storyboard in the lower sections of the building. Elliot will also be responsible for the updates of the Group Blogger notes, as after this point onwards.
Oliver Dolton
Oliver will be developing and constructing the upper section of the building. This will also include all of the stairways, window pains and the right hand side of the lower section of the building, the section right off the cut through pathway. Oliver will be solely responsible for all of these sections construction and animation development. This will include all of the upper building structure, mapping textures and interior furniture. All of the animation featured in the storyboard that includes the upper section up the building and stairways will be developed by Oliver. Also the animated figure that will be used in the animation process will be prepared by Oliver and the research and write up of the Guildhall history.