Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Group Meeting 3

(Blogger post created and uploaded by: OLIVER DOLTON)

Today the group met and arranged on who will be creating sectors of the building. After viewing the 2D plans for the construction of the house it was decided as follows:
Oliver: Will build the construction of the entire top floor.
Jo: Will build the construction of half of the lower ground floor.
Elliot: Will build the other half of the lower ground floor.
The final rendered animation will begin with a preview of the outside of the building. The camera showing the viewer’s how the building looks todays and circulating again to show what the building will look like from the outside in the future after construction of the museum has finished.
After circulation of the house the camera will locate its way to the roof and go through to show a 2D complex of the building on each of the floors. With the technique of viewing into each sector of the map it will revile what each room looks like today and what it will become in the future through an animated transformation.
It was decided that each of us would work on sectors of the building individually, what way our work would be our own and would be easy to identify who created particular sectors of the building.
The outside of the construction and animation of the building will be a participation of each of the group members to assist in the development of the outside circular animation.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Group meeting 2

In this group decision we decided to choose what assignment we were going to do. We had the choice of animating the history and how the guild hall was used in history and how it affected the community or animating how the building will change over the renovation work.

We decided to show how the guild hall will change from the derelict state it is in now to how it will look when it is finished.
To do this we decided to show the building in sections as it changes. For example; the animation will show a map of how the guild hall looks now and the camera will zoom into a section. The animation will then show how the walls will be knocked down and the new walls built. Any furniture or fittings in the room will slowly fade in. Some angles may be from above looking down on the rooms and some will be from inside the room depending to the visual effects.

We discussed and decided that the first thing we had to do was to draw the before and after 2d plans of the guildhall so we were able to split it up into sections and decide who will work on what.

We decided that the 2d plans has to be draw before we could go any further.

Meeting No1

(Blogger post created and uploaded by: OLIVER DOLTON)

Meeting No1
Today the group met for the first time since the visit to Finchingfield. In the meeting today the group deciding on creating a name for the group and setting up a blogger account for our data to be recorded onto during the period of designing and animating the project.

The group deciding on a basic role for each of us but these roles were not certain as this was not an official meeting due to the team members having to continue with alternative work before the group project could go ahead. The continuation of this meeting would be on the next arranged meeting where roles and designs for the construction of our project work would take place.  

Visit to Finchingfield and the Guildhall Building

(Blogger post created and uploaded by: OLIVER DOLTON)

First Group Meeting 30th September 2011
The class today visited the Guildhall which is located in a small village outside of Braintree in Essex called Finchingfield. This town alone holds lots of history but within all of this history is this particular building, The Guildhall. This building was once used as a school, but after abolishment of the Guilds the hall fell into disrepair. During a period of history it was unclear what happened during its disrepair but in 1620 it was purchased in Robert Kimpe and restored to a statutory level. 10 years later it was sold to the villages and for a few generations it was used for various occasions. The teaching of education within the building continued as a school. Once advent state education was introduced the school closed. This caused the building to once again fall into disrepair.

Up until this year it has finally received a funding from the national lottery and after extra efforts to gather a few more thousand pounds restoration work will go underway and turn this amazing building into a museum.

Today the group got together to work our way through the village and construction of the site in order to take notes and pictures of the buildings.

This data would then be used in order to construct an animation of the building once it had been finished. While walking around the building one of the team members followed the guide to listen and take notes on how the building would look in the future after renovation work had been completed, also to note on placements of the structure interior components and their placements within the building.

The other two team members photographed important areas of the building while the other collected video data footage. All of this information would then be used to create a design that would be integrated into a 3D animation of the building of how it looks today to the finished restoration of final construction of the Guildhall Museum.