Thursday 13 October 2011

Visit to Finchingfield and the Guildhall Building

(Blogger post created and uploaded by: OLIVER DOLTON)

First Group Meeting 30th September 2011
The class today visited the Guildhall which is located in a small village outside of Braintree in Essex called Finchingfield. This town alone holds lots of history but within all of this history is this particular building, The Guildhall. This building was once used as a school, but after abolishment of the Guilds the hall fell into disrepair. During a period of history it was unclear what happened during its disrepair but in 1620 it was purchased in Robert Kimpe and restored to a statutory level. 10 years later it was sold to the villages and for a few generations it was used for various occasions. The teaching of education within the building continued as a school. Once advent state education was introduced the school closed. This caused the building to once again fall into disrepair.

Up until this year it has finally received a funding from the national lottery and after extra efforts to gather a few more thousand pounds restoration work will go underway and turn this amazing building into a museum.

Today the group got together to work our way through the village and construction of the site in order to take notes and pictures of the buildings.

This data would then be used in order to construct an animation of the building once it had been finished. While walking around the building one of the team members followed the guide to listen and take notes on how the building would look in the future after renovation work had been completed, also to note on placements of the structure interior components and their placements within the building.

The other two team members photographed important areas of the building while the other collected video data footage. All of this information would then be used to create a design that would be integrated into a 3D animation of the building of how it looks today to the finished restoration of final construction of the Guildhall Museum.

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